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How Much Should You Tip A Hair Salon

Hair Salon Tipping

When it comes to getting a haircut or any other beauty treatment, it’s common practice to leave a tip for your stylist or technician. Tipping etiquette can be a bit of a gray area, though – how much is enough, and how much is too much? In this article, we’ll explore some general guidelines for tipping at hair salons in the United States.

Why Tip?

Hair Stylist Tip

First, let’s discuss why tipping is customary at hair salons. Like many service industries, stylists and technicians often rely on tips to supplement their income. A good tip can show appreciation for a job well done, encourage great service in the future, and help build a stronger relationship with your stylist or technician.

How Much Should You Tip?

Hair Salon Tipping Percentages

The standard tipping percentage for hair salons is 20%, but this can vary depending on a number of factors. Here are some things to consider:

Quality of Service

Quality Hair Service

If you received exceptional service from your stylist or technician, consider tipping more than 20%. On the other hand, if you were unhappy with the service, it’s okay to tip less – or not at all, if the experience was truly poor.

Length of Appointment

Length Of Hair Appointment

If your appointment was particularly long (for example, if you were getting a complex color treatment), consider tipping more than 20% to account for the extra time and effort your stylist put in.


Hair Salon Tipping By State

In some parts of the country, it’s common to tip more or less than 20%. For example, in New York City, it’s typical to tip 25-30%. In more rural areas, 15-18% may be more appropriate. Check with friends or family in your area – or ask your stylist directly – to get a sense of what’s expected.

Special Circumstances

Hair Salon Tipping Special Circumstances

If your stylist went above and beyond (for example, by squeezing you in for an emergency appointment), it’s a nice gesture to tip more than 20%. Similarly, if you’re getting a particularly challenging service (such as a perm or a full set of extensions), consider tipping more to thank your stylist for their hard work.

When Should You Tip?

When To Tip At Hair Salon

The best time to leave a tip is at the end of your appointment, after you’ve paid for your services. You can hand your stylist cash or add a tip to your credit card payment. If you received excellent service and want to show extra appreciation, you can also tip before the service begins.

Other Ways to Show Appreciation

Hair Salon Appreciation

While tipping is a great way to show your stylist or technician that you appreciate their hard work, there are other ways to express your gratitude. Here are a few ideas:

Leave a Positive Review

Hair Salon Review

If you’re happy with your service, leave a positive review on the salon’s website, social media pages, or a site like Yelp. This can help bring in new business for the salon – and show your stylist that you value their work.

Refer Friends and Family

Refer Friends And Family Salon

If you love your stylist or technician, refer your friends and family to the salon. This helps support the salon’s business – and shows your stylist that you trust them with the people you care about.

Be a Great Client

Be A Great Client

One of the best ways to show your stylist that you appreciate their work is to be a great client. Show up on time, communicate clearly about what you want, and be respectful of their time and expertise. Building a good relationship with your stylist can lead to better service – and a happier salon experience overall.


While tipping can be a bit of a mystery, these guidelines should help give you a better sense of the appropriate amount to tip at a hair salon. Remember, though: tipping is just one way to show appreciation for your stylist or technician. Positive reviews, referrals, and just being an all-around great client can go a long way in building a strong relationship – and supporting your local salon.

Related video of How Much Should You Tip A Hair Salon?