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Can You Go To Nail Salon With Nail Fungus

Nail Fungus

If you are suffering from nail fungus, you may be wondering whether it is safe to go to the nail salon. After all, nail salons are full of tools and equipment that are shared between clients, increasing the risk of spreading the fungus. In this article, we will explore whether it is safe to go to the nail salon with nail fungus, what precautions you can take, and how to prevent nail fungus in the first place.

What is nail fungus?

Nail Fungus Close Up

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that can affect both toenails and fingernails. It is caused by a fungal infection, which can lead to discoloration, thickening, and a brittle or crumbly texture of the nails. While it can be unsightly, nail fungus is generally not a serious health concern unless you have an underlying medical condition that affects your circulation or immune system.

Is it safe to go to the nail salon with nail fungus?

Nail Salon

If you are suffering from nail fungus, it is generally not recommended to go to the nail salon. This is because nail salons are a prime breeding ground for fungal infections, which can be easily spread between clients through shared tools and equipment.

Even if the nail salon takes precautions to clean and sanitize their equipment between clients, there is still a risk of infection. Additionally, if you have a fungal infection, it can be difficult to completely get rid of without proper treatment. Going to the nail salon can not only put others at risk of infection, but it can also prolong your own recovery time.

What precautions can you take?

Nail Tools

If you absolutely must go to the nail salon with nail fungus, there are some precautions you can take to reduce the risk of infection. Some of these precautions include:

  • Bring your own nail tools, including nail clippers, nail files, and cuticle trimmers.
  • Make sure the nail salon uses single-use tools whenever possible.
  • Avoid soaking your nails in shared foot baths or nail polish remover.
  • Ask the nail technician to avoid using any tools on your infected nails.
  • Wear open-toed shoes to the nail salon, as this can help prevent the fungus from spreading to other areas of your feet.

Overall, it is best to avoid going to the nail salon altogether if you have nail fungus. However, if you must go, taking these precautions can help reduce the risk of infection.

How can you prevent nail fungus?

Nail Fungus Prevention

The best way to prevent nail fungus is to practice good foot and nail hygiene. Some tips for preventing nail fungus include:

  • Keep your feet clean and dry. Dry your feet thoroughly after washing, especially between your toes.
  • Wear shoes that fit properly and are made of breathable materials.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places, such as locker rooms and swimming pools.
  • Don't share nail clippers, files, or other personal items with others.
  • Apply an antifungal cream or powder to your feet and nails if you are prone to fungal infections.

By following these tips, you can help prevent nail fungus from taking hold in the first place.


While it is generally not recommended to go to the nail salon with nail fungus, there are some precautions you can take if you absolutely must go. However, the best course of action is to avoid going to the nail salon altogether until your fungal infection has cleared up. By practicing good foot and nail hygiene, you can also help prevent nail fungus from taking hold in the first place. If you are experiencing nail fungus, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider about the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

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