Can The Nail Salon Fix A Broken Nail
Nothing is more frustrating than a broken nail. Whether it happens while doing chores around the house or simply by accident, it can be a major setback for anyone who takes pride in their nails. However, the good news is that a nail salon can often fix a broken nail. In this article, we will explore the steps that a nail salon may take to fix a broken nail.
What Causes Broken Nails?
Broken nails can be caused by a number of things. Some of the most common reasons include:
- Accidentally hitting your hand against a hard surface
- Using your nails as a tool to open things
- Biting your nails
- Washing dishes without gloves
- Chemical exposure
These are just a few of the reasons that your nails could break. It's important to take care of your nails and avoid these situations as much as possible in order to keep them healthy and strong.
Can a Nail Salon Fix a Broken Nail?
The short answer is yes, a nail salon can fix a broken nail. However, the extent of the damage and the location of the break will determine what type of solution is necessary. A nail salon technician will be able to assess the damage and provide recommendations for fixing the nail.
How Do Nail Salons Fix Broken Nails?
There are several ways that a nail salon can fix a broken nail. Some of the most common methods include:
1. Glue and Fabric Method
The glue and fabric method is a popular solution for fixing a broken nail. This method involves applying a small piece of fabric and a special glue to the nail. The fabric helps to reinforce the nail and prevent it from breaking again. Once the glue is dry, the technician will file and shape the nail to match the rest of your nails.
2. Acrylic or Gel Overlay Method
If the break is severe or in a location that cannot be fixed with the glue and fabric method, the technician may suggest an acrylic or gel overlay. This method involves applying a layer of acrylic or gel to the top of the nail to strengthen it. The technician will then shape and file the overlay to match the rest of your nails.
3. Silk Wrap Method
The silk wrap method is another popular solution for fixing a broken nail. This method involves applying a thin layer of silk to the top of the nail and using a special adhesive to secure it. The silk helps to reinforce the nail and prevent it from breaking again. The technician will then file and shape the nail to match the rest of your nails.
How Long Does It Take to Fix a Broken Nail?
The amount of time it takes to fix a broken nail varies depending on the severity of the break and the method used to fix it. In general, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. It's important to note that while the fix may be quick, it will take some time for the nail to fully heal and strengthen.
How Can You Prevent Broken Nails?
Preventing broken nails is always better than having to fix them. Here are a few tips for keeping your nails healthy and strong:
- Avoid using your nails as tools
- Wear gloves when washing dishes or cleaning
- Avoid biting your nails
- Keep your nails trimmed to an appropriate length
- Apply a nail hardener to strengthen your nails
The Bottom Line
While a broken nail can be frustrating, it's not the end of the world. A nail salon can often fix a broken nail, and there are several methods available depending on the severity of the damage. To prevent broken nails, it's important to take care of your nails and avoid situations that can cause them to break.